
Unsettling NZ History

About four years ago Blogger removed the Feedburner email subscription service allowing those who signed up to it to be notified whenever new content was posted on this blog. Although I explored and tried alternatives, none were satisfactory and so this site no longer has that functionality. There are no more notifications.  That was one of the reasons that drove me to set up a brand new newsletter on a dedicated email newsletter platform. And so Unsettling: Aotearoa New Zealand History was quietly launched this week. I'm going to continue with this blog site. But if you are after regular content head over to the newsletter and subscribe (there is a button at the bottom of this post). The first newsletter appears below.   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     Ko Vincent O’Malley toku ingoa He kaimahi hītori au Nō Airangi, Koterangi me Ingarangi ōku tīpuna I tipu ake au ki Ōtautahi E noho ana au ki Te Whanganui-a-Tara   No reira, nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei kōrer...

Treaty Principles Bill

Submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill close on 7 January 2025 and can be made here . The Waitangi Tribunal has concluded that 'if this Bill were to be enacted, it would be the worst, most comprehensive breach of the Treaty/te Tiriti in modern times'. I have posted my submission to the Justice Committee on the Bill below.   At the Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti, 19 November 2024 My name is Dr Vincent O’Malley. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi (FRSNZ), a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS), a recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Literary Achievement in Non-Fiction, besides multiple other awards and prizes. For more than thirty years now I have worked as a professional historian, researching and writing on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the New Zealand Wars and related matters, including a number of acclaimed and best-selling books. I draw on this background and expert knowledge of the topic matter, in making the following submission stron...

2024 Talks and Events

In the past year I have taken part in a number of different talks and other events alongside other participants. Here I post links to those available online, organised chronologically. In February I took part in a podcast with Phil Quinn and Shane Te Pou ahead of Waitangi Day.      In March I took part in a webinar for the Tiriti-Based Futures online symposium alongside Dr Liana MacDonald and Richard Crawford on 'Aotearoa New Zealand Histories: Diving into a Contested Past'.   In April 2024 I gave a seminar as part of the induction day for new Fellows of the Royal Society Te Apārangi alongside 21 other Ngā Ahurei a Te Apārangi Fellows and Ngā Ahurei Honore a Te Apārangi Honorary Fellows elected to the Academy of the Royal Society Te Apārangi in its 2023 intake.   In September I appeared on The Hoon with Bernard Hickey and Peter Bale . In September I also appeared on RNZ Afternoons show hosted by Jesse Mulligan for the Bookmarks segment . Also in September, I ...

Book Event: The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui

Date/time : Thursday, 24 October 2024, 5.30pm - 8.30pm Bridget Williams Books invites you to an event in Wellington to mark the arrival of Vincent O’Malley’s latest book ' The Invasion of Waikato/ Te Riri ki Tainui' . Thursday 24 October Public Trust Hall 131-135 Lambton Quay Wellington Doors open from 5.30pm, event starts 6.00pm This event takes place in the lead-up to Rā Maumahara, the National Day of Commemoration for the New Zealand Wars, observed on Monday 28 October. Nau mai, haere mai. Public event, no RVSP needed.   For further news and reviews see the book page . Watch the trailer for  The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui:

The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui

The Invasion of Waikato/Te Riri ki Tainui , to be released late in August 2024, provides a new and concise account of this defining event in Aotearoa New Zealand history. The following outline is taken from the book page on the Bridget Williams Books website.   The Waikato War is a pivotal event in the history of Aotearoa. In this accessible introduction, Vincent O’Malley explains the enduring impact of these conflicts, continuing his remarkable work on the New Zealand Wars. The book begins with the 1863 crossing of the Mangatāwhiri River by British troops. This act marked the Crown’s declaration of war against the Waikato tribes, igniting a conflict with far-reaching consequences. At its heart, the war was a clash between the Crown’s push for control and Māori insistence on self- governance, a right affirmed in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The resulting conflict has shaped the nation for over a century, more influential, O’Malley argues, than even New Zealand’s involvement...