Kūpapa: Reconsidering Māori 'Loyalism' during the New Zealand Wars

The History Programme warmly invites you to a seminar by Dr Vincent O’Malley (HistoryWorks / JD Stout Fellow):

Kūpapa: Reconsidering Māori 'Loyalism' During the New Zealand Wars

Although scholars such as James Belich have argued that 'kūpapa' fought on their own terms and for their own reasons during the New Zealand Wars of the nineteenth century, the origins of this term, and the way in which its meaning changed over time, are little understood. This paper charts the journey from 'kūpapa' as 'neutral' or 'waverer', through 'loyalist' or 'friendly', and finally to 'kūpapa' as a contemporary form of insult. Through examining local dynamics it sheds more light on the particular motivations of 'kūpapa' communities and asks whether their alliances with the Crown were ultimately beneficial.

Vincent O’Malley (HistoryWorks) is the JD Stout Research Fellow 2014  (http://www.victoria.ac.nz/stout-centre/research-opportunities/jd-stout-info/current-fellow)

Venue: History Programme, VUW. Old Kirk 406 (F.L. Wood Seminar Room)
Date: 1 August 2014
Time: 12.10-13.30


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