J D Stout Lecture 2014: The Waikato War: Myth, History and the 'Art of Forgetting'

The JD Stout Lecture 2014

Vincent O’Malley
JD Stout Fellow 2014

will present

The Waikato War: Myth, History and the ‘Art of Forgetting’

Collective memories, like individual ones, can be selective. We sometimes choose what we remember. And those choices are often instructive. But as scholars have also noted, there is an art to forgetting.

It can be more than simply the absence of memory. This talk surveys how the Waikato War has been remembered, or forgotten, historically and asks what this reveals about New Zealand’s foundational myths and narratives.

Date:               Wednesday 24 September 2014
Time:               4.10pm – 5.30pm
Venue:             McLaurin Lecture Theatre 103 – North end of Cotton Building main corridor just before the Hub
                        Gate 6, Kelburn Parade – Cotton Building main entrance
                         Victoria University of Wellington


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